Dec 24, 2009
作 者:Nanda Roep & Marijke ten Cate
About This Book
When a baby raccoon asks her imaginative father for a simple kiss at bedtime, she finds herself on the receiving end of a string of silly smooches. Each of the kisses is lovingly and humorously illustrated as, with a butterfly kiss, the pair are surrounded by periwinkle butterflies; a circus kiss calls for horseplay, capturing the bond between father and daughter. A delightful bedtime story especially for fathers and daughters.
雖然最終寶貝女兒只是要一個再平凡不過的goodnight kiss,not the witch’s one, not the grandma one…但想像力豐富的浣熊爸爸給了寶貝這麼多不同的kiss,也逗的女兒好開心,最後浣熊寶貝在Daddy的kiss下甜甜的進入夢鄉。
A butterfly kiss?
A vacation kiss?
A circus kiss?
A birthday kiss?
Just a nighty night kiss.
幸福的Caillou,每晚睡前,最起碼都會得到Mommy的三個kiss—for “Nighty- night!”, “I love you!”, and “Sweet dream!” 至於多出來的就是Bonus啦~~ 多幾個呢?就看當天Caillou的表現囉~~ 最多曾應他的要求—100 kisses!如果他愛,身為Mommy的我又何必吝嗇呢?這種方式也是讓孩子最直接了解也確定”Mommy是愛我的!”
「寶貝,今晚想要什麼樣的kiss啊?A Teddy kiss?」
「A Ferris wheel kiss?」
「No! I just want a Mommy kiss.」...Caillou如是說
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